Get the Professional Guidance You Need to Create Your Montessori Family Lifestyle

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MLI HQ 2020

Our Story

Montessori Lifestyle Inc. (MLI) is an Earth-loving, Montessori Homeschool provider for children aged 2-6. Receive guidance from a seasoned Montessori Lead teacher with over six years of hands-on experience.


The Montessori Approach at home

MLI Kid with Montessori Materials - World Map Puzzles

A Child-centered Approach

Every child is unique and moves at their own pace. We make sure learning is student-led through flexible, customizable, and innovative curriculums, understandable and doable by an adult and child at home.

MLI Kid in a Montessori Space

An Emphasis on Home and Family

Children build their character and foundation for their future based on experiences at home, with their family. We want to utilize the household for intentional learning, so that children feel safe and free to learn.

MLI Community

A Community Support System

We believe in building and strengthening connections, supporting each other through our shared journey. We are a support system for families to rely and fall back on. We believe it is in our shared journey that we find motivation and a sense of belongingness.

in a nutshell . . .

What is Montessori? Why consider it?


Freedom within limits

Activity and movement is freely chosen within limits. These limits come in the form of ground rules. These ground rules safely direct children as they act on what is essentially good for them.


Intentional guidance

The Montessori guide is not the source of learning itself. Their main goal is to connect children to the environment by demonstrating lessons, observing their interests, and modeling proper behavior.


Prepared environment

Children’s experience of the environment become a part of their psyche. For this reason, the environment is purposefully prepared to optimize growth and development.


Self-paced learning

Children receive individual or small group lessons presented by the Montessori guide. This is a one-on-one lesson purposefully selected and prepared for a particular child at their particular time of interest.


Didactic materials

Through independent work, children are able to confidently master each exercise through repetition. Materials need to be thoughtfully designed, so that it requires little or no adult supervision to operate.


Mixed age group

Socialization is not limited to children of the same age. This allows for a more diverse social dynamic.


3-hour uninterrupted work cycle

A long period of free activity is protected from interruptions or distractions. This period is not cut into segments, so children can dive deep into their activity and exhaust all potential for learning.

Step Inside A Gallery of Heartwarming Moments

Our Family Center

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Our Joyful Family


Start a Montessori Lifestyle at Home

Create and experience Montessori education in a home environment that fosters independence, creativity, and lifelong learning. Together, let’s raise a peaceful, mindful, and earth-loving generation!

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Join our community and start experiencing the positive impact of Montessori principles at home.
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